Perusahaan cold chain di Indonesia terus berkembang seiring dengan meningkatnya konsumsi domestik akan makanan, minuman, hingga obat-obatan. Perusahaan cold chain adalah perusahaan yang mengelola dan mengatur rantai pasokan produk yang memerlukan kondisi suhu...
Kategori: Lain-lain
Growth Mindset at Workplace
One of the many qualities employers try to find in their workers is growth mindset. They do not try to find the smartest people in the room anymore. They are set to find people who see opportunities instead of obstacles and failure as a chance to develop their...
Pendidikan VS Pengalaman
Kalau berbicara tentang pendidikan dan pengalaman, sudah pasti tidak ada habisnya. Sebenarnya, bagaimana sih recruiter menyikapi keduanya? Yuk, kita bahas dalam artikel kali ini. Seringkali orang berpendapat bahwa pendidikan tinggi belum menjamin kepiawaian seseorang...
Come and Join Our Fast-Growing Startup Company
Are you young, passionate and are eager to contribute and be a part of something bigger than yourself? If you are, hello! Our company is growing. And we are growing fast! We are looking for tens of young passionate talents to take up the challenge and grow with us....